Wednesday 5 November 2014

Year 6 Bolton Abbey Trip on a lovely sunny day!

Getting ready for the day ahead today...

Sunday 21 September 2014

2014-15 New Academic Year

What a fantastic start to the year we have all made. The classrooms look fantastic and we'd all like to say a big thank you to Mr Howieson and his team for all the hard work that has taken place across the summer.

The Teaching and Learning Staffing Structure 2014-15
Teacher: Miss Greenwood
Key Workers: Mrs Batty & Mrs Worland
SNA: Mrs Wray
Year 1:
Teacher: Miss Paynes
LSA: Mrs Axall
Year 2:
Teacher: Miss Lyndon-Hogg
LSA: Mrs Cobb
Year 3
Teacher: Ms Taylor
Part Time LSA: Mrs Grassham
Year 4
Teacher: Miss McVeigh
Year 5
Teacher: Miss Spedding
Year 6
Mrs Fox (Mon-Wed)
Mrs Strickland (Thur-Fri)
Pupil Premium Tutoring
Teacher: Mrs Harrison-Racey
Teacher: Mrs Ward
Learning Mentor
Mrs Burnett

Office Structure 2014-15
School Business Manager: Mrs Sheldon
Admin Assistant: Ms Smart
Attendance Support: Mrs Burnett

I hope this helps you when you need to contact staff with concerns. Great Preston CE Primary School has an open door policy and we would rather you came to talk to us about issues. We don't want parents to worry or children to be anxious so don't let issues build up do come and see us.

Thank you
Mrs Simpson

Friday 24 January 2014

African Drumming & Inspire Workshop

I left the office door open on Thursday so that I could listen to the wonderful drumming in the hall. The Y1 & Y2 children have very good sense of rhythm and their teacher for the day was very impressed. The performance for parents at the end of the day was very well attended and I'm sure you will have had a little dance whilst listening to your children!

Miss McVeigh's Y5 Inspire Workshop was also very well attended by parents who learned alongside their children for the afternoon. The Topic is based around Inventions and famous inventors with the children undertaking their own research projects in child initiated areas of interest.

Thank you to all our families for your support.
Mrs Simpson